Introducing Charlie 2.0 – A shredding dog that turns your pet peeves into dog poop!

Everyone has a pet peeve. From missing your bus to putting an unexpected item in the bagging area, we all experience day-to-day annoyances that we can only describe as 🐶💩. Well, we have a solution.

Introducing Charlie 2.0

If you’ve seen our Meet the Team page, you may be familiar with our very lovely office dog, Charlie. Charlie is approaching his golden years, and, quite frankly, deserves a little bit of recognition! He has provided our Norwich office staff with years of service in the form of receiving head pats and playing fetch – a very important role! So, to pay homage to our lovely Charlie, we immortalised him in shredder form.

Charlie 2.0 is a shredding dog – potentially the only one to exist in the UK. While he can’t play fetch, he can shred your pet peeves into little pieces and finally free you of the emotional turmoil you’ve been holding onto for what must feel like a lifetime.

See Charlie 2.0 in action!

You can see Charlie 2.0 in action by watching the video below.

If you want Charlie 2.0 to shred your own pet peeves, we’d love to help. Email us at with the subject line ‘Pet Peeves’ and we’ll see what we can do!

Watch more Charlie 2.0 content over on our Instagram page @shredstationltd.

Disclaimer: We will not be using Charlie 2.0 to shred our customers’ confidential paperwork. It’s just a bit of fun. Our industrial shredders are much bigger and much faster, albeit far less cute. If you need a secure shredding service, our team can help.

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